Digital Skills Champions

The Digital Devon Community Renewal Fund project will create a legacy of digital skills activity across Devon via two strands of activity.

Firstly, we are creating a network of Digital Skills Champions, who will collect and share information about digital skills training and the opportunities that exist for residents to gain digital skills or to upskill so they can progress within current employment.

Digital Skills Champions will be located in communities across Devon, supporting individuals and organisations in getting and staying connected. Our Digital Skills Champions will offer regular drop-in sessions where residents can gain information, ask questions and find out how to book onto our free to access digital skills training sessions.

We aim to ensure that Digital Skills Champions, and the support they give, will remain in place for local communities even when the project has completed.

The second strand of the Digital Devon Digital Skills Champion’ project is the development and launch of an online and free repository of information on Digital Skills opportunities available across the county. This will allow Digital Skills Champions to access an amazing resource, which will not only provide information on digital training courses, but on a range of training to support residents into employment or to progress within an existing job role.

Libraries Unlimited delivers libraries across Devon and Torbay and where available our Digital Champions will deliver a range of digital support. This support will include library and community face-to-face drop-in sessions, on-screen options, showing people how to access digital health services, registering with Learn My Way, digital library resources and signposting to other digital skills providers.

Library Digital Champion(s) Starting Offer Day(s) Time(s) Description Potential Progression Partner/Signposting Organisations
Barnstaple Tarja Vihonen-Morgan Work Club and Digital Drop in sessions Tuesday 10am to 4pm Tailored digital skills drop-in and assist re. job searches, CVs and learning opportunities Group workshops Find a Job, Learn My Way, Learn Devon, BIPC
Bideford Jack Ireland Drop in and bookable sessions Wednesday 9am to 1pm during Work Club hours to assist with digital skills relating to job searches, CVs and learning opportunities.. Learn Devon
Bideford Max Locker Drop in and bookable support Tuesday 12pm to 4pm General digital skills and device help tailored to the individual need, possible follow up sessions can be booked.
Exeter Jo Lawrence + others TBC
Holsworthy Nikki Cholerton Drop in Digital Support Thursday 10:00-12:00 General digital skills including Learn My Way, health info, help setting up email, using software Follow up support/longer sessions for customers if required Learn Devon
Kingsbridge Alan Nash Drop-in and Bookable
Digital Support
All basic iPad, Smartphone and Laptop help,
both at the library and at Age Concern
Continue to offer similar help in
partnership with Age Concern
Age Concern, Kingsbridge
Newton Abbot Eleanor Davey
Okehampton Ellie Austin; Fiona Mokandpuri; Carole Cornwall Drop in and bookable support Once a week (days vary) Times vary General digital skills including Learn My Way, health info, help setting up email, using software. Basic digital device help. Follow up support/longer sessions for customers if required Castle Ham Lodge (Guiness Trust Housing).  Okehampton Medical Centre
Princetown Heather Chapman Digital support arranged for small groups of 2 or 3 General digital skills including Learn My Way, health info and employability support
Seaton Caroline Foster
St Thomas James Knight Drop-In Digital Support Monday 14:00-17:00 Drop-In Session for general IT questions relating to devices, apps and use of software Community Outreach and Digital Health Community Builders,
Westbank, Alphington
Tavistock Heather Chapman, Denise Gatley, Helen Heywood (computer support volunteer) and Jan Horrell Drop in Digital support Friday 10:00 -12:00 General digital skills including basic getting online support, health info and employability support Offer sessions from Learn My Way etc which can be booked; outreach sessions in the community and for promotion of drop in services Learn Devon
Tiverton Harry Johnson Drop in Digital Support Tuesday 13:00-17:00 General digital skills including Learn My Way, health info and employability support If enough demand we will themed sessions, book longer 1-1s
Torrington Iain Harris
Northam Max Locker, Jack Ireland Drop in and bookable sessions Wednesday 13:00-17:00 General digital skills and device help tailored to the individual need, possible follow up sessions can be booked.